My son loves to cook. For the longest time he would use a helmet (from his tool set toys) and lego blocks to "cook". He's gotten a BBQ Grill and cooking set before but he always went back to playing with his helmet and blocks...
I got the idea from and decided to make one for my boy.
Cardboard box (I have tons of diaper boxes)
Scrap Cardboard
Duct Tape
Paint brush sponge (handle ONLY)
Spray Paint
Condiment lids (5)
Bottle caps (5)
Paper fasteners/brads (5)
Hole puncher
Printable labels (from
Box Cutter
4 CDs
Permanent Marker
Plastic sheet protector
Double sided tape
Plastic hooks
Once I found the size box I wanted, I cut out the door for the oven.
I flipped one of the tabs up and duct taped the top portion for the stove (there was a gap I had to cover up).
Cut a square out for the window of the oven.
I decided to cut another piece of cardboard to stabilize the part that will hold the knobs. It will be on the back so I don't care what it looks like. :)
Spray paint the condiment lids and bottle caps. I spray painted the knobs silver (like the stove) and the condiment lids white.
Punch holes in the cardboard and lids. Attach them using paper fasteners (brads). It's okay if it's not the same color. It will be covered up.
Print the templates (see link above) and attach it to the bottle caps as knobs. I attached the oven knob right above the oven because I didn't have room on top.
Cut your plastic sheet protector to size and tape it to the inside of the oven door using double sided tape.
Cut a piece of cardboard to size and duct tape it to the inside of the oven as a shelf/oven rack.
Using the handle of sponge brush, I spray painted the rod silver and hot glued it to the oven door.
I bought little hooks and attached it to the sides for hanging cooking utensils/pan, etc.
He was so excited to use it. I don't think the paint even dried yet!
Brilliant! Bravo, love it, well done.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant !!
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