Monday, December 1, 2014

Personalized Sharpie Holiday Plate

Last month, I posed the DIY Sharpie Personalized Plate for a plate I made using sharpie pens. I wanted to do one for Christmas with my son. He's just starting to write his name and I think if I didn't keep saying "please be careful because you can't erase it." he would have written his name better lol


Ceramic Plate
Sharpie Pens


1. Preheat oven at 350°

2. Decorate your plate using sharpie pens.

3. Bake in oven for 30 minutes at 350°

Look at all the pretty colors. I bought 2 packs. 

Concentrating hard....

He asked mommy to help draw Christmas lights.

See? Without pressure, he did a good job writing his name... bad mommy! 

Proud of his plate and says "Mommy, don't let daddy wash away my art work!" haha silly!